Nasal Vestibulitis: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Risk Factors & Treatment

The region between your nostrils is known as the nasal vestibule. It denotes the entrance to your nasal cavity. Nasal vestibulitis is an inflammation in the nasal vestibule caused by blowing or picking the nose excessively. While it is usually simple to treat, it can often result in severe complications.

The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is often the cause of infection. Chronic rhinorrhea, viral infections, URIs, and nose picking can also be a secondary cause of this disease. Other infections, such as folliculitis, that occur at the entrance to the nose can lead to the formation of pimples at the root of the nasal hair, which can result in the formation of crust in the nostrils. check out

Best Nasal Vestibulitis Ointment for get relief. 

Symptoms of Nasal Vestibulitis

The symptoms expressed may vary depending on the pre-determining cause of the inflammation and the severity of the infection. Common symptoms include:

  • redness and swelling in and out of the nostril
  • tenderness and pain in the nose
  • a pimple-shaped bulge inside the nostril
  • crust and bumps around the base of the hair follicles in the nose (folliculitis)
  • crusts in the nostrils
  • boils on the nose
  • discharge of pus from the affected area
  • increased temperature of the body

What causes nasal vestibulitis?

Nasal vestibulitis is often caused by a Staphylococcus bacterial infection, which is a frequent cause of skin infections. The infection is caused by a slight lesion in the nasal vestibule, which is normally caused by:

  • plucking of the hairs in the nostrils
  • the excessive blowing of the nose
  • wiping of the nose
  • Piercing of nose (leaves nose prone to infections)

Some possible infectious causes include:

  • Herpes simplex and herpes zoster viral infections.
  • Allergies or a respiratory infection that causes a chronic runny nose.
  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Furthermore, a 2015 study discovered that people who took targeted therapy drugs to treat some forms of cancer have a higher potential of eventually developing the nasal vestibulitis.

How is it treated?

The severity of the infection determines the course of treatment for nasal vestibulitis. If you are uncertain about the severity of your situation, you should contact your ENT specialist or primary care doctor.  The majority of mild cases can be treated with a topical antibiotic cream like bacitracin, which is available in most drug stores. And even if the symptoms seem to go away sooner, it may be recommended for you to keep applying the cream to the nasal vestibule for at least 14 days. If necessary, your doctor can also prescribe an oral antibiotic.

Boils are more common in serious infections that need oral antibiotics as well as topical antibiotics such as mupirocin (Bactroban). Applying a hot compress to the area three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time may also be required.

To help drain huge boils, it may be appropriate to apply a hot compress to the area three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. A big boil may need to be surgically drained in certain rare cases.

Complications of nasal vestibulitis

More serious cases of nasal vestibulitis may also lead to complications. Some common complications include:

  • cellulite formation
  • cavernous sinus thrombosis
  • folliculitis


For the prevention of nasal infections, it is important to see an ENT physician to treat any underlying diseases or conditions that may exist, such as chronic rhinitis, for example. In addition, it is important to wash your nose frequently and avoid touching your nose with your fingers or sharp objects.


Nasal Vestibulitis, Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M.D., MPH — Written by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst — Updated on March 7, 2019.

Retrieved from:

Bacterial Nasal Infections, By Marvin P. Fried, MD, Montefiore Medical Center, The University Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Jun 2020| Content modified Jun 2020.

Retrieved from,-nose,-and-throat-disorders/nose-and-sinus-disorders/bacterial-nasal-infections

What to know about nasal vestibulitis, Medically reviewed by Cameron White, M.D., MPH — Written by Zawn Villines on January 7, 2020

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